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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

School Management System with a visual basic or VB.NET

This project its very usefull for a schools to manage their daily actions 
i was devoloped this project or software by VB.NET 
this projects contains many forms that ant form has a specific job 
the projects contains 
Registrations student 
Registrations teacher 
Registration stafs 
Attendece of students 
Registration of examinations 
and many forms so 

Booking Bus Transportation and Logistcis Project with Micrososft access

This project is very usefull for a using booking bus Transportations and logistics so this 
project i developed micrososft access and its easy to use this software 
first of all you must intall your pc in microsft office package or micrososft access 
then you can use easyly 
i can hope u to Enjoy this project 

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Waa mid iga yaabsaty  midani tas oo aan la fajacay lakin insha allah wan xalin doona
sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan waxan rajaynayaa inaad iala fahmi doontaan isnaha aallah

Friday, February 19, 2016

Waraka soprtiga kootada

waxaa guula badan gaadhay kootada markay kootooyin badan ka soo badisay

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Agab ku soo biiray kootada kaas oo sii dar dar galinaya hawlaheeda

Agabkan cusub oo lagu soo kor dhiyay kootada ayaa wax badan ka qaban doono baahiyihi loo qabay
walow aan hayn markii ugu horaysay oo lagu soo gordhiyo qalaban cusb
agabkan oy iska kaa shadeen kotomiya iyo kotoomiyo ku xigeen ka  ayaaa waxaaa u riyaaqay xubanah kala duwan ee kootada
hormanka ka bilowday kootada ayaa waxaa soo kor dhiyay gudoomiya iyo godoon ku xigeenkiisa

Monday, February 15, 2016

Maxay shirkada sasumng u balan qaaday macaamiisha soo dalbada Galaxy s7

shirkada Samsung ayaaa dhawaan soo saaridoonta mobile ka looyaqaan Galaxy s7 kaas oo ah mid aad u casri ah kana duwan mobiladii oo  hore oo ay soo saari jirtay shirkadu mobilekan oo ah mid casiri ah ayaa shirkadu u balan qaaday macaamiisheeda ku xodhan adeegyada ay soo saartoshirkadau in ay abaal marin siin doonto cidii soo dalbata mobilekaa

abaal marintaas oo ah aalad ay soo saatay shirkada samsung taas oo lagu maga caabo GEAR VR
waa aaladd kuu sahlaysa in ay hortaada keento wax yaabaha moilekaaga ku jira sida game ka oo kale video ka kana dhigaysa in aad hortaagan tahy waxa aad daawanayso oo kale sida video ga oo kale sida fanaan hees qaadaya oo kale si aaa fanankaa aad hortaagan tahy oo kale
hadaba macmiilka faaidayso abaal marintaas hadana dalbo mobleka Galaxy s7
waa Eng: abdiwani oo idin leh nasiib wacan

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kulaylkan ku saa iday cuntada ama basbaaska ayaa

Kulaylkan ku saa iday cuntada ama basbaaska ayaa noqonnaya waxa ugu hadal hynta baan ee ka soco ta koodada kugadaheeda iyadoo looga cabsi qabo in ay dadku ka qaadaan xanuuna aaad khatar u ah